Module Compiler.Tokens

type token =
  1. | Plus

    The '+' operator

  2. | Hyphen

    The '-' operator

  3. | Asterisk

    The '*' operator

  4. | Slash

    The '/' operator

  5. | Equal

    The '=' operator

  6. | Less

    The '<' operator

  7. | Greater

    The '>' operator

  8. | NotEqual

    The '<>' operator

  9. | SemiColon

    The ';' operator

  10. | AtSign

    The '@' operator

  11. | Colon

    The ':' operator

  12. | DoubleColon

    The '::' operator

  13. | LeftParen

    The '(' operator

  14. | RightParen

    The ')' operator

  15. | LeftBracket

    The '' operator

  16. | RightBracket

    The ']' operator

  17. | Arrow

    The '->' operator

  18. | VerticalBar

    The '|' operator

  19. | Dot

    The '.' operator

  20. | Comma

    The ',' operator

  21. | Function

    The `fun` keyword

  22. | Recursive

    The `rec` keyword

  23. | Let

    The `let` keyword

  24. | In

    The `in` keyword

  25. | If

    The `if` keyword

  26. | Then

    The `then` keyword

  27. | Else

    The `else` keyword

  28. | Match

    The `match` keyword

  29. | With

    The `with` keyword

  30. | Int of int
  31. | Float of float
  32. | String of string
  33. | Bool of bool
  34. | Identifier of string
  35. | EOF
  36. | Invalid
val equal_token : token -> token -> bool
val string_of_token : token -> string
val string_of_tokens : token list -> string